
Name: Justin L Bennett
Facebook: Justin L Bennett
Worker Page: Jay Flyier
Twitter: @Flyier450
Youtube: Mr.Hangtime Jay Flyier
Instagram: JayFlyier01
Snapchat: Jayflyier
TikTok: @jayflyier450
Weight: 205 lbs
Height: 5ft 10 in
From SunnyShores, NY (Face)
From Sandy Remains of The Jersey Shores (HEEL)
Signatures: Overdrive, 81 South
Finishers: Angel Wings, 450 Splash
Sponsored by: GrimRock
Listen to my NEW INTRO!!

- Local Wrestling Entertainment Mid-Atlantic Champion
- Maximum Force Wrestling Cruiserweight Champion
- Old School Pro Wrestling JR Television Champion
- 2X Ultimate Wrestling Internet Champion
- 8X Ultimate Wrestling Tag Team Champion
- 4X Ultimate Wrestling Heavyweight Champion
- Rope2Rope TV Champion
-Current Suffolk Wrestling Alliance Tag Team Champion
-Current Extreme Hybrid Wrestling Phoenix Champion
-Current Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Alliance United States Champion

​ Large selection of companies worked for: (ECPW) East Coast Pro Wrestling, (WWA) Worldwide Wrestling Alliance, 3DW Academy, Excite, (P6W) Pier 6 Wrestling, (LWE) Local Wrestling Entertainment, (SSW) Southern States Wrestling, (NEW) Next Era Wrestling, (EPWE) Eastern PA Wrestling Entertainment, (WOHW) World of Hurt Wrestling, (WXWC4) World Xtreme Wrestling, (UWE) Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment, (ESW) Empire State Wrestling, (UW) Ultimate Wrestling, (OSPW) Old School Pro Wrestling, (MFW) Maximum Force Wrestling, (UPW) Upstate Pro Wrestling, (KDW) Kayfabe Dojo Wrestling, (ACWA) Anarchy Competitive Wrestling Alliance, (NCW) Nickel City Wrestling, Monster Factory, (SSW) Super Star Wrestling, (NYCW) New York Championship Wrestling, (BBE) Backbreakers Entertainment, (AFCW) Ace Fusion Championship Wrestling, (NTW) Northern Tier Wrestling, (1CW), (WAW) World All-Star Wrestling, Rope2Rope Entertainment, The Sanctuary, (IWA) Intense Wrestling Alliance, (SWA) Suffolk Wrestling Alliance,(PCWA) Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Alliance, (SCW) Survival Championship Wrestling, (SMW) Seven Mountains Wrestling, (AON) All Or Nothing, (LTW) Locked Target Wrestling, Outbreak Wrestling, (FCPW) Full Circle Pro Wrestling, (CRW) Code Red Wrestling, (APW) Asylum Pro Wrestling, (APW) Ascend Pro Wrestling, Binghamton WrestlingCon, (CCW) Classic Championship Wrestling, (AXW) American Xcellence Wrestling, (HGPW) High Ground Pro Wrestling, (BTW) Big Time Wrestling, (EHW) Extreme Hybrid Wrestling
The Good Stuff:

The Wild Samoans Pro Wrestling Training Center Allentown Pennsylvania
Graduated October 2nd, 2010 with Samu The Wild Samoan
Monroe Community College 2019 (Optics 131)
Trent Beratta, Adam Cole, AJ Styles, Bushwacker Luke, Chris Hero, Delirious, Matt Cross, AR Fox, Matt Sydel, Tom Prichard, Johnny Gargano, Robbie E, Brutal Bob Evans, Al Snow, Rickey Reyes, Adam Cole, Crowbar
Catch Phrase — It’s Time It’s Hangtime
The Wild Samoan “Samu” Owner of World Xtreme Wrestling C4
Trained with Fighting Arts Pro Wrestling Institute with H.C. Loc
Trained at Buffalo Wrestling Academy
Talent I’ve Been on Shows With:
Tatanka, Nikolai Volkoff, Rhyno, Abyss, Johnny Gargano, Kevin Nash, Carlito, Samu, Gene Snitsky, Kamala, Koko B Ware, The Nasty Boys, Tito Santana, Vador, Ted Dibiase Jr, Adam Cole, Hurricane (Gregory Helms), Nunzio (FBI), Doink The Clown, Scott Steiner, Afa Jr, The Patriot, The Dudley Boy’s, The Boogeyman, Robbie E, Blue Meanie, Brutus Beefcake, Marty Jannetty, Spike Dudley, Justin Credible, Angelina Love, Tony Atlas, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Andrew Anderson, Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, HC Loc, Brian Cage, Masada, Arn Anderson, Brock Anderson, Brian Pillman Jr., Julie Hart, Fandango, Bull James, Erick Rowan, Suicide, John Skyler, Ricardo Rodriguez
Catch Phrase:

It’s Time....It’s Hangtime
I made my debut in this Business in 2005. A Federation was coming to my Hometown (NEW) Next Era Wrestling this is where it all began. When I was six years old I knew what I wanted to do. I lost my Mother when I started helping out doing ring crew and whatever else was needed. She was my biggest motivator to push me. I was taught to chase my dream! That I did and am still doing as we speak. Professional Wrestling is not just my PASSION! It’s my HOME!
The Wild Samoan “Samu” Owner